Norther Offshore Wind Farm

What is Norther?

Norther is an offshore wind farm – a total of 44 wind turbines – with a maximum capacity of 370 MW that is situated in the Belgian North Sea, within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Belgium, approximately 23 kilometres from the Belgian port of Zeebruges. The concession was granted at the end of 2009, which is when the actual development of the Project began.

The shareholders in this project are all parties with the necessary expertise and experience in developing renewable energy projects. Norther is ultimately owned by two parties: Belgian Elicio – a Belgian renewable energy producer operating internationally (50%) and Dutch Eneco – a major producer and supplier of renewable electricity, natural gas and heat in the Netherlands and Belgium (50%).

Offshore wind is expected to be a key pillar of Belgium’s future energy mix and is projected to represent around 10% of total generated electricity by 2025.

Did you know?

The Norther wind farm is being build 23 km from the Belgian coast, within a zone southeast of the Thornton Bank, alongside the border with the Netherlands. It stretches out over a total surface of 44 square km. Each year, it will generate 1,394 GWh of sustainable energy, equal to the energy use of almost 400,000 families.

The Project


The Norther windfarm is situated 23 km from the coast, southeast of the Thornton Bank alongside the border with the Netherlands.

The Norther Project is situated at the most southeastern part of the demarcated zone for wind farms as designated by the Royal Decree of May 17th 2004, modified by the Royal Decree of February 3rd 2011.

The northern border of the project area is situated at approximately 1 km from the concession domain of C-Power.

Avada Macbook Image

Did you know?

The development of The Norther Projects dates back to 2008 when a concession application was submitted by Air Energy, a subsidiary of Eneco. The concession was granted at the end of 2009, which is when the actual development of the Project began. The Norther windfarm will be built at approx. 23 km from the Belgian coast, within a zone southeast of the Thornton Bank, alongside the border with the Netherlands.

Who is Norther?

Norther benefits from experienced Sponsors with significant expertise, who have been able to provide project team members with highly relevant expertise from previous roles in both Belgian and non-Belgian projects .

Shareholders structure

Elicio nv is a 50% shareholder, via its fully owned vehicle Elnu nv.

Elicio, a 100% subsidiary of Nethys, is a Belgian developer and operator of offshore and onshore wind farms.

With the two Otary wind farms Rentel and Seamade, Elicio has stakes in 3 operating wind farms in Belgium, totaling 1.1 GW. Elicio is also actively involved in the development of of 1,2 GW floating offshore wind projects in Scotland and in France.

Elicio also operates 38 onshore windfarms in Belgium, France and Serbia, totaling a capacity of 363 MW and has an extensive portfolio of projects in development.

More info :

Eneco is a 50% shareholder via its daughter company Eneco Wind Belgium nv.

Eneco is a major international producer and supplier of electricity, natural gas and heat, involved in developing and operating sustainable energy projects
(including two operational offshore wind farms in the Netherlands – Princess Amalia and Luchterduinen).

Furthermore, Eneco will market 50% of the electricity output of the windfarm via a separate power purchase agreement.

More info:



Spontaneous application

Are you interested in renewable energy? And are you eager to play an important role in the further expansion of the offshore wind energy in Belgium?

Apply now! Send spontaneous your CV and motivation letter to and become part of a professional and result driven team where safety, health, environment and team spirit are key.



BOP combines the leading Belgian players who invest in renewable (wind) energy in the Belgian North Sea.
The BOP wants to support and boost the development of renewable energy by:

  • Representing the interests of its members to the government, utilities and other authorities
  • Urging the necessary conditions in order to obtain a maximum development of these energy systems
  • Informing the general public of and sensitizing them to the production of renewable (wind) energy in the North Sea
  • Exchanging international experience with other producers of renewable (wind) energy at sea
  • Researching on renewable (wind) energy generated at sea.

FEBEG represents the producers of electricity, the traders and suppliers of electricity and gas as well as the laboratories in the electricity and gas sector.

The CREG is the federal body regulating the gas and electricity market in Belgium and that advises the competent minister on the granting of concessions for wind farms in the North Sea.

The VREG or Vlaamse Reguleringsinstantie voor de Elektriciteits- en de Gasmarkt (Flemish Electricity and Gas Market Regulator) is responsible for the regulation, the control and the promotion of transparency of the energy market in the Flemish Region.

Elia is Belgium’s high-voltage transmission system operator (30 kV to 380 kV), operating over 8,000 km of lines and underground cables throughout Belgium.

ODE, the Organisation for Sustainable Energy, is the sector organization for renewable energy in Flanders. ODE brings together more than three hundred companies, research centres, universities and organizations in technology platforms and working groups, to exchange knowledge and promote their interests. ODE is the main stakeholder of renewable energy to the authorities concerned.

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind was founded in April 2014, but the company stands on the shoulders of giants. Our parent companies are two of the global leaders in wind power and offshore ventures. The history and track records of Vestas Wind Systems A/S and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd inspire us and lead us forward.

MHI Vestas

Van Oord has a long and varied history in marine engineering, an industry that has its origins in the Netherlands. Van Oord, a family-owned business, has grown into one of the largest marine engineering companies in the world. Their work is rooted in the Netherlands’ centuries-long battle against water.

Van Oord

News & Media


1604, 2019

Norther nears completion

April 16th, 2019|

Norther turbines installation nears completion. With 36 of 44 turbines already installed Belgium's biggest offshore windfarm will be completely operational end of summer 2019. An overview of some press articles [...]

904, 2019

Norther in the press

April 9th, 2019|

Norther gained a lot of media attention and awareness lately. A small overview of all articles recently published. Focus / WTV Premier start laatste fase zesde windmolenpark Nieuw windmolenpark levert [...]


Contact Us


Esplanadestraat 14
8400 Ostend | Belgium

BE 0896 052 742

Press Contact:

Christophe De Schryver
Executive Manager

Kim Verhaest
Executive Assistant
+32 485 54 82 02

Esplanadestraat 14
8400 Ostend | Belgium
